Keep our brands off your campaigns, KBL tells politicians
The Kenya Breweries Limited (KBL) has warned politicians against associating themselves with its brands as part of a strategy to win votes ahead of the general election.
The beer maker termed as trademark infringement the move by some unnamed politicians to “associate” with its brands ahead of the August General Election.
“We have noted that some aspiring leaders have chosen to associate their campaigns with our brands. However, we would like to clarify that Kenya Breweries Limited (KBL) has a policy of non-alignment with any political party or ideology,” David Kimondo, the Communications Manager at KBL said in a statement sent to newsrooms.
There have been cases where some aspirants have placed their pictures on bottles of beer by the company and circulated them on social media pages mostly via WhatsApp and Facebook.
The company said: “Further, we would like to inform the public that we do not condone any association of our brands with any political message, individual or political party.”
The warning by the beer company comes at a time when politicians in Kenya are clinging to all forms of endorsements and brand alignment in the high-stakes nominations from today April 13 to April 26, and an even more competitive General Election on August 8.
“We urge all candidates and other persons to desist from this act of trademark infringement of our brands,” added Mr Kimondo.