Kenyan military officers to take pay cuts
The Kenya Defense Forces (KDF) officers have also felt the pinch of the coronavirus pandemic that has hit the globe.
This is after the officers were informed that they have to take a pay cut due to effects of the viral disease that has so caused a great impact in the economy.
In a memo sent to the various bosses of KDF units across the country, the officers were informed that they will have to take the pay cut until the situation normalises.
“The threat and severity of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) continue to pose health and socio-economic challenges across the world. Thus, the government has established the COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund, in order to strengthen its response capacity,” the memo reads in part.
According to the memo, Lieutenant Colonels and above will have to take a 20 percent pay cut, 2/Lieutenant Colonels to Majors will take a 10 percent basic pay while Private to Warrant officers in rank one will contribute Sh750.
This comes just hours after the Head of Civil Service, Mr Joseph Kinyua, issued a circular to all Principal Secretaries and Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of various commissions asking their staff to take a pay cut.
In the circular, he said that the pay-cuts are to be effected in April and may last for three to six months depending on the effects of the coronavirus disease.
However, he did not give the exact percentages that the civil servants will be contributing which has caused anxiety across the country.
The civil servants are supposed to fill in a consent form and submit to all their bosses.