Kisii and Kirinyaga join list of counties with Covid-19 cases
Two cases of Coronavirus have been reported in Kisii and Kirinyaga, two counties that had yet to recorded any case.
The two counties on Wednesday recorded two separate cases.
In Kirinyaga County, Mr Peter Irungu a clinical officer reported that he received a call from Afya House that the driver of a trailer (reg no KBR 235T/ZD) identified as Eric Omollo had tested positive for the deadly disease.
Mr Omolo, 55, underwent tests at the Malaba border and left before he could get the results but on his way it turned out that he the results had turned out positive.
“The reportee was given victim’s contacts and communication commenced to monitor his movements. The victim was intercepted on arrival at Kutus and established that he left Juba in Southern Sudan on May 17, 2020 while single on board,” a police report seen by Nairobi News reads in part.
Mr Omolo is currently isolated at Kerugoya County hospital and as the authorities trace the people believed to have come into contact with him.
Meanwhile, in Kisii, a man who travelled from Tanzania up to Gionseri village in Nyamache tested positive of Covid-19.
Mr Cosmus Nyabwari, 37, was then taken to Kisii Teaching and Referral Hospital after he tested positive.
Villagers had raised concerns that the man has been away in Tanzania and questioned how he managed to come back into the country.
It is then that he was arrested by two police officers who have also been put under quarantine at Kenya Medical Training College in Kisii.