Fox News slammed over ‘war-torn Africa’ gaffe
Kenyans on Twitter came out with guns blazing Wednesday night after yet another American broadcaster joined the disturbing trend of misreporting events in Kenya.
Fox News, in its coverage of Pope Francis our to Africa, said the Pontiff was visiting ‘war-torn Africa’.
The conservative broadcaster, which claims to be America’s leading cable news network, has open bias against issues touching on African-Americans, Democrats, Palestine and immigrants, among other issues.
Kenyans on Twitter did not take the dubious coverage lightly and responded in kind with the trending hashtag #SomeoneTellFoxNews.
Omar Bond said; “USA kids carrying guns to school&killing their fellow classmates ..shall we call them terrorists or child soldiers?”
Local actor @Quincy Wandera posted aerial photos of Nairobi and posed;” @FoxNews look at my city. Tell me if it looks “War-Torn””
Naomi Mutua asked; “Why are we up in arms over #SomeoneTellFoxNews. Don’t we know that @FoxNews is essentially trash news?”
Billy Richards Koech said; ” It comes a time we just ignore international media and let them talk whatever they want. We give them too much publicity.”
Kieni MP Kanini Kega tweeted; “Pompous,ignorant @FoxNews journalists can dare call Africa war-torn? never mind all the school shootings in the US.”
Cynthia Nyamai posed; “Will the Western Media ever learn?”