KRA says website ‘overwhelmed’ as tax returns deadline looms
Kenyan taxpayers seeking to beat the Saturday deadline for filing tax returns have had to deal with fluctuating connection to the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) web page.
KRA on Thursday morning put out an apology on their social media pages citing downtime on the itax page.
Hours later on Thursday night, the Authority posted yet another apology saying they experienced “system fluctuation due to the overwhelming number of people accessing itax.”
On Friday morning the system was still slow and the Authority’s online replies to taxpayers ranged from “refresh the page or change the browser” to “visit our service centres and offices.”
— KRA Care (@KRACare) June 28, 2018
It has become a common phenomenon for the itax system to experience fluctuation on the final days to the deadline of filing tax returns .
This year, long queues were witnessed at Railways KRA Centre in Nairobi and media houses reported long queues in most KRA regional centres across the country.
The Authority in 2015 extended the June 30 deadline but in the subsequent years it has insisted that there would be no extensions.
The penalty for failing to file tax returns is set at Sh20, 000.