Brothers, let that she go, if you can’t pay the bill!
How I love my country. Important people get listed on corruption lists probably on a daily basis, taken to court, later asked to pay bail.
Funny, it all reminds me of a scenario where a shepherd is caught stealing someone’s sheep and asked to pay the same sheep back. But what do I know; I’m neither an animal keeper nor I’m I on a corruption list, yet.
However, I’m Kenyan, and this is definitely my business.
Luckily for you I’m not here to preach about the evils of corruption or remind you ‘ujiangalie.’ Sauti Sol have probably done a good job on that already.
I’m here to be a ‘patriot’, a legit brother’s keeper. Dear boy child, brace yourself for this. I’m about to save your petty wallets, or maybe not!
Social media addiction is real, we’re all obsessed, we all needy for something, for a like, a comment or view. That said, I’m not needy for the numbers, I’m a sucker for the cooler memes, the amazing tagged posts.
That is till I recently got tagged to a post that had a somewhat ‘powerful’ message and I quote;
Learn to carry your own money when going to these dates. Order something that you can afford. Have your own Uber money. Stop subjecting a man to pay for your “standards”, and when he fails, you start saying “men this men that! “If he pays for everything, great. If he cannot afford it, good. You went to have a good time, not for a meal ticket.”
The exciting part of this post is the irony in every statement. Judge me if you would, that’d excite life more. The above post encourages a woman into agreeing to go to a date with a man and go Dutch? What men are we rearing then? A man who will believe, it is okay to take a lady to Serena knowing very well he won’t afford?
However, in the back of his mind, he’s hoping you tagged your heavy purse. Take several seats and I mean that by every sense of the statement.
Define a good time further? The post probably had a fair say to some, but isn’t this the reason why the boy child will slack?
If you cannot afford to pay for a standard a woman is creating, step aside brother and mingle with your caliber. Let’s avoid the coated lie ‘of pay your bill’ if a lady would like to have a good time and probably go Dutch with the standard she feels she deserves, then girl child I suggest do it with your peers.
This is a pure mockery to the masculine nature, if you cannot afford Sankara save up for it.
Brothers, if you cannot keep up, do not subject yourself to ulcers, let that she go.
But if you so choose to let an independent lady dates you, call the shots, order your Uber – or better drop you home – pay her own ride if need be, at the end of the day we all know whose ego will be bruised.