Lorry theft case involving former MP and pastor hit by absence of key witnesses
A case in which former Mwingi Central MP Joe Mutambu has been charged with stealing a lorry belonging to Pastor Thomas Wahome of the Helicopter Church Ministries in Nairobi, has stalled due to lack of witnesses.
On wednesday, two key witnesses from police departments failed to appear for the hearing before Kibera Resident Magistrate Renee Kitagwa.
The prosecution told the court that a police officer based in Garissa was bonded but did not confirm his attendance.
A second witness, a police surgeon by the name a Dr Maundu, has been bonded severally but has never attended hearing of the case, according to the prosecution.
The prosecutor urged the court to summon the witnesses.
Mr Mutambu, through a lawyer, demanded the case be closed citing the prosecution’s failure to avail witnesses.
However, the court adjourned the case to December 6 when it will give directions.
The former legislator, who is out on a Sh500,000 bond, has denied stealing a lorry valued at Sh3.3 million, the property of Pastor Wahome.
The prosecution says he committed the offence on July 15 last year at Industrial Area, Nairobi.
But according to the legislator, the vehicle was sold to him and the complainant had not indicated that a lorry was stolen.