Man arrested for buying alcohol using census laptop and power bank
An IT supervisor in the National Population and Housing Census that is set to begin later today has been arrested in Nyamira for mortgaging census laptop and a power bank to buy alcohol.
According to reports, the official drunk alcohol and deposited the census gadgets as collateral after he found out he had no money on him.
Confirming the arrest, Nyamira County Commissioner Amos Mariba said the officer wanted alcohol on loan and offered to surrender the gadgets.
He was arrested after he missed pre-census preparation and briefing on Wednesday.
“The ICT census supervisor was issued with a census tablet and a power bank and consequently went missing since Wednesday,” said Mariba, the County Census Committee chairman.
A manhunt was launched by police officers from Sengera police and the official was found at another drinking joint.
The ICT officer later led the police officers to a different club, where the census machines were recovered.
Japhan Wachiali, the head of statistics in the region, confirmed interdiction of the officer, saying he had already been replaced.