Msando’s sister appointed to senior position at Kenya Revenue Authority
The late Chris Msando’s sister, Pamela Ahago, has been appointed the Kenya Revenue Authority’s Acting Commissioner, Customs and Border Control.
Her appointment took effect on April 25, 2020.
Before her appointed Ms Ahago served as the authority’s Deputy Commissioner, Policy and International Affairs.
She joined KRA in July 1996 as Collector 1 in the then Customs & Excise Department and worded in various tasks until July 2002, when she was promoted to the rank of Assistant Commissioner.
She was promoted to the position of a Chief Manager in February 2017 and worked in Trade Facilitation. In July 2019, she was promoted to the rank of Deputy Commissioner.
Ahago takes over from Customs and Border Control Commissioner Kevin Safari, who has been sent home.
In March, Safari and Kenya Ports Authority (KPA), MD Daniel Manduku, were arraigned before a Nairobi court to face fraud charges, but their file was not presented to the court as expected.
Safari is said to have illegally gazetted Mitchell Cotts as KPA’s peripheral storage facility, despite the warehouse failing to meet requirements concerning separate entry and exit areas.
Mr Safari also is accused of aiding the gazettement of NICT, yet the facility did not meet requirements concerning a customs warehouse.
He has also written to the DPP seeking to stop his intended prosecution.
Through his lawyer, Danstan Omari, the commissioner, has asked Haji to relook and reconsider his case and equally invoke his powers and halt the intended prosecution.
“This will undeniably avert the now concerted attempts aimed at abusing the criminal justice system to cause his ouster or uncelebrated removal from office by some ill-intended individual(s),” reads the letter in part.