Nairobi Speaker Beatrice Elachi ‘suspended’ as impeachment looms
Nairobi Speaker Beatrice Elachi has been suspended from the County Assembly Service Board, hours before an impeachment motion against her is set to be tabled on Tuesday.
Ms Elachi was suspended as the chairperson of the board on Monday in absentia by the other three members who cited lack of confidence in her leadership.
Majority leader Mr Abdi Guyo, a member of the board, said that the decision was arrived at by the members of the board in a meeting on Monday.
“We as the board have lost confidence in her and she is no longer our chairperson and we have decided that the vice chair should act now as the chair,” said Mr Guyo.
The majority leader also accused Ms Elachi of abuse of office by flying on a first class ticket contrary to the law, asking the Directorate of Criminal Investigation (DCI) to investigate her.
“The speaker is flying on a first class ticket which the law does not allow as even the governor is not allowed to fly first class. Therefore, we have asked the DCI to investigate that because that is abusing her office,” said Guyo.
Suffering further blow, the board has also terminated the contract of the speaker’s personal assistant who has allegedly been attending committee meetings contrary to the law, besides drawing allowances on the same.
“He has also drawn an allowance from that which is illegal and we have instructed that the money be recovered from him,” he said.
Mr Guyo has also said that the board had resolved to ask the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission and DCI to investigate all transactions of the County Assembly.
“We are also asking the DCI and EACC to do a lifestyle audit on our members,” he said.