Nairobi water brags about its world class services and Twitter explodes
Twitter on Friday exploded after Nairobi Water and Sewerage Company took a double page advertisement on a local daily to congratulate itself for providing world-class water services.
According to the advertisement, the company’s Managing Director Philip Gichuki was awarded the Water Utility Executive of the Year award at the just concluded African Utility Week convened in Cape Town, South Africa.
The company was also rated runners-up, competing against Rand Wa-ter, National Water and Sewerage Corporation and Umgeni Water. It also won two more awards for exemplary leadership and innovation in the water sector.
The advert was not taken kindly on Twittervill, considering the city has been under a strigent water rationing programme for the past eight months.
The advertisement angered many city residents who took to Twitter vent their anger at the water company.
Here are some of the comments posted.
.@NairobiWater This full page news about your award while watching water trucks deliver H2O to my compound is painful!!! 6 months no water.
— Ngele Ali (@ngeleali) July 20, 2017
We get water literally once in a blue moon! Buying water is the order of the day. Which NCWSC is this? The Nairobi one? ?
— Shy M. (@Shyro26) July 21, 2017
Now today Nairobi Water has two pages on water rationing schedule. World class much?!
— Sarah Kimani (@sarahkimani) July 21, 2017
@sarahkimani @KideroEvans @ngeleali @NairobiWater.can we get an explanation what the award was for?is this mere marketing for wrong reasons?
— Truphosa Hapisu (@TruphyH) July 21, 2017
@NairobiWater How much do you charge for 1unit of water (via the meter) and what equivalent in litres is 1unit
— Njoroge Muigai (@njorogemuigai) July 21, 2017
At the end of the day we will still get only few hours at Thindingua -Kiambu .Very arrogant department . Why cant they follow the schedule?
— James Maina (@Jimmyndongah) July 21, 2017
.@NairobiWater world-class water services? Oh my. This is such a shame and a sham. There is no world-class water service that you offer…
— Abraham Ochieng' (@abrahamochieng) July 21, 2017
Those trucks are world class, don't you see?????
— Tom JM (@TomJMO) July 21, 2017
The cholera menace is here to stay…. What? Winning awards… Its astonishing
— Irene Mbula (@Mbula_ca) July 20, 2017
Now today Nairobi Water has two pages on water rationing schedule. World class much?!
— Sarah Kimani (@sarahkimani) July 21, 2017
World Class?! Haiya! How now!!! I wish I read this earlier I would have taken a picture of the waterbowser in our estate doing a 2nd trip! ?
— Nduiga Wangui (@MaryNduiga) July 20, 2017