Ngilu names company linked to Lang’ata land grab
Land Cabinet Secretary Charity Ngilu on Thursday named Airport View Housing Limited as the company linked to the disputed Lang’ata Road Primary School land.
During a press conference, Ngilu named the directors of the company as Mandip Singh Amrit, Manjit Singh Amrit, Herbans Singh Amrit and Kamal Prakash Amrit.
She added that the directors have the following shares in the company; Herbans Singh Amrit (3000 shares), Kamal Prakash Amrit (1000 shares), Mandip Singh Amrit (1000 shares) and Manjit Singh Amrit none.
The Nairobi City County had been said to have okayed the construction of a perimeter wall around what had been Lang’ata Road Primary School playground in December 2014.
On Monday, civil activists planned a #OccupyPlayGround protest that saw the pupils of Lang’ata Road Primary School join hands with the members of the civil society to demolish a section of the wall.
The ensuing commotion saw armed policemen teargassing the school children, an incident that sparked national outrage and the immediate intervention of President Uhuru Kenyatta
The National Land Commission Chairman Muhammad Swazuri stated that the disputed land belonged to the school.
On Wednesday, the President directed the National Youth Service to demolish the rest of the wall and restore the land to the school and activity that took place and the debris cleared.