Nairobi News


Nine matatu saccos suspended for non-compliance with NTSA regulations

By Amina Wako September 30th, 2019 1 min read

The National Transport and Safety Board (NTSA) has suspended nine matatu saccos/companies for failure to comply with a requirement for PSV sacco/company to operate a minimum of 30 serviceable motor vehicles.

As a result, NTSA has advised members of the public not to board any vehicles belonging to these saccos/companies in order to avoid any inconveniences.

“The National Transport and Safety Board (NTSA) has notifies the Public that it has suspended Nine Saccos/Companies for failing to  comply with the provisions of Section 5 (1) of the National Transport and Safety Authority (Operation of PSV) Regulations, 2014, which require a PSV Sacco/Company to operate a minimum of Thirty (30) serviceable motor vehicles,” NTSA said in a press release dated September 30, 2019.

Among the saccos which have been suspended are City Tram, which plies the City Center-Jogoo Road-Buruburu-Outering-Umoja route, Mwamba Sacco (City center-Buruburu-Civil Servant-Komarock route) and Marvellous Travellers (Komarock-Savanna-Jogoo Road-Eastleigh-City Center route).

Also suspended are MNGN Sacco (Mathare North-Ngara-Gikomba route), Fig Komba (Dandora-Juja Road-Gikomba/Fig Tree-Ngara-Gikomba-Kiambio/Mathare North-Ngara-Gikomba-Fig tree-Kiambio routes), Moonlight Coach Company (Commercial-Thika Road-Mathare North route), Mwirona Sacco (Bus Station-Thika Road-Kasarani-Mwiki route) and Huruma Mini Bus (Huruma-Pangani-Kariokor-Tusker route).

Transafaris, which plies the upcountry routes (Nairobi-Nakuru-Kisumu-Busia/Nairobi-Busia-Nakuru-Kericho-Kisumu/Nairobi-Nakuru-Kisumu-Kakamega-Bungoma, has also been suspended.

All the suspensions were effected on September 26 and 27, 2019.

The Traffic Department also has been advised to impound any vehicles belonging to the nine found operating contrary to the suspension.