No, NTSA has not restricted Nairobi-Naivasha speed to 50kph
By KENFREY KIBERENGE, @kenkiberenge
The National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) has refuted claims that it has restricted speed on the Nairobi-Naivasha road to a maximum of 50kph.
NTSA chairman Lee Kinyanjui told Nairobi News that the speed limit covers just a 2km stretch between Kinungi and Naivasha which is prone to accidents.
“It is essential because so many people have died on that spot this year,” said Mr Kinyanjui. “In fact, as recent as last week, locals had barricaded the road protesting the increased number of accidents.”
The NTSA chairman said the stretch is built up with many people crossing regularly from one side to the other.
“There is a school on one side and a market on the other. We can’t have people crossing while motorists are doing 100kph,” he said.
Kenyans on Twitter had slammed the authority after pictures of its officers erecting the 50kph road signs. Many questioned the viability of covering the 92.4km distance such a slow speed.