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Okiya Omtatah warns Ruto of possible impeachment

By Winnie Mabel November 29th, 2023 3 min read

Busia Senator, and renowned civil activist, Honorable Okiya Omtatah is of the opinion that President William Ruto will soon face impeachment if he does not change course of his leadership style, politics, and policies.

Speaking on November 29, 2023, Senator Omtatah particularly accused President Ruto of being an agent of the West who is out to destroy an African state as well as allowing the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund to rule this country with their conditions pre-signing off on loans as opposed to President Ruto leading the country.

“They are largely designed to make Kenya a client state so that we can keep on depending (on them), moving around with a beggar’s bowl. Production in Kenya has become too expensive. Sovereignty is going to shrink, the economy is going to collapse and soon we shall begin begging all over the world. We shall be a client state for the West. So for William Ruto, I think his head is empty in terms of what are the existential threats that face Africans and black people. He’s swallowed the issues of the white man- the way they are packaged, he doesn’t understand how chronic capitalism works- so he has now become an agent of the West to destroy an African state,” said Senator Omtata.

The renowned activist went on to say some of the things President Ruto is doing border on treason, and down the line, he may end up facing impeachment.

“If he doesn’t change course and begin understanding what Article 1 says that Kenyan people are sovereign and when they elected him, there was nowhere in his manifesto where he said that the IMF and the World Bank are going to govern Kenya when he gets into office. He promised to govern this country but he is destroying it. Everything is crumbling in one year. It’s not acceptable. So he needs to shape up or he might get impeached down the line. I don’t think his MPs will die with him. They are going to get to a point where he can be impeached if he doesn’t begin doing things that benefit this country and not to benefit the Western powers,” added Senator Omtata.

He claimed that some of the conditions set by the foreign lenders include the selling of eleven government parastatals to private individuals recently announced by the Kenya Kwanza government in a bid to raise billions in revenue.

“Some of these assets were put up before he was born. They want to come and sell them. What will future generations have as a state? Those who will run the government in the future, what will they rely on to run the government?” asked Senator Omtata.

Senator Omtata concluded by saying President Ruto was going overboard and with the current state of the country, he will face impeachment soon. He spoke a day after winning a court case against President Ruto and his government in stopping the collection of the controversial Housing Levy Fund which was laterally imposed on Kenyans.

President Ruto has been on the spot following the high cost of living witnessed by Kenyans since he took over office in September 2023.

This has partly been influenced by the higher taxes imposed by the regime, including additional Value Added Tax (VAT) on petrol, which pushed up the cost of the precious commodity by up to Sh18.

Kenyans have also had to pay more for basic commodities such as food and electricity while salaried ones have watched their pay slips punctured by fresh deductions including the housing levy.

In a related development, President Ruto who assumed power at the back of reduced borrowing is reported to have taken loans in the upwards of Sh1 trillion from both local and international lenders.

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