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Pastor Ng’ang’a: Makeup is devilish!

James Maina Ng’ang’a, the founder of Neno Evangelism, has recently made a claim that makeup is devilish.

During one of his sermons, he illustrated scenarios where women would run away when it rains due to fear of their makeup getting ruined.

“All these women here, if they undress, you will run away. When it rains, you will see them bending because they are afraid their makeup will peel off. They have layers of mud and holes on their faces. It is called makeup. The devil shows you to stay with some makeup on because he does not want you to remain original.”

This is not the first time the controversial preacher has made contentious statements.

In the past, he humorously distanced himself from urban slums, claiming his residence is far removed from such locales.

“I don’t live in Kawangware like you… I don’t live in Mathare but at least you live in Mathare where you can talk to your immediate neighbours. Where I live, you can’t even talk to your neighbour, we just wave hi to each other.

But you can meet your neighbour at the kiosk which sells mutura and catch up over stories. Where I live, you can’t converse with anyone. You can’t stop someone to preach the gospel to them,” Pastor Ng’ang’a said.

In one of his sermons, Pastor Ng’ang’a had a rough time exorcising a stubborn demon. 

He had to command his authority on the demon to leave one of his congregants. 

Armed with anointing oil, the pastor slapped the man, ordering the devil out of him. 

“Wachana Mchezo, hapa ni kwa commander. Wachana na yeye, go down, funga mdomo yako, chukua mizigo yako uende,” Ng’ang’a told the ‘demon.’

Pastor Ng’ang’a has also confessed to having many women accross Kenya. 

”I tried everything and when I say I have over 70 children, I mean it. I have 3o in Ukambani, twenty something in Mombasa, Nyandarua and Murang’a. One left with a seven-month pregnancy took her clothes and she never came back. I had to call myself into a meeting.”

Also read: Benny Hinn’s mega crusade is not funded by Kenyan taxes – Committee says