Police defend Makadara shootout
Nairobi Police chief Benson Kibue has defended the actions of Police officers involved in the killing of a suspected robber along Jogoo road on Tuesday morning.
Mr Kibue justified the action as an act of self defence.
Police officers gunned down 23 year old Kevin Mon’gare in a gunfire exchange as he sought refuge in his mother’s apartment.
“The officers lives were at risk because he (the suspect) was still armed. The moment a criminal shoots at the police, they have orders to act in similar fashion. We shall not let criminals terrorise civilians,” said Mr Kibue.
He also urged Nairobians to give police information on anyone suspected to be involved in crime.
Extra-judicial killing
Human Rights and Constitutional lawyer Okweh Achiando, speaking seperately, censured the Police for the manner they handled the incident. He said the Police should have followed due process.
“The family should take legal action, that was extra-judicial killing. Police have to act within the law at all times,” said the lawyer.
Kevin Mong’are was gunned down on the roof of Easton apartments along Jogoo road after eluding capture for close to four hours in a dramatic chase.
He had attempted to seek refuge in his mother’s house within the apartments.
Witnesses confirmed that the suspect twice shot at officers who were pursuing him, before climbing to the roof. Efforts by his mother to convince him to climb down and surrender fell on deaf ears.
Police officers climbed the adjacent block and shoot him. His bullet riddled body was taken to the City Mortuary where an autopsy will be carried out.