Nairobi News


Police set free Red Cross volunteer

Paul Omulokoli, the Impala rugby club player who had been arrested on suspicion of being one of the Westgate Mall attackers has been released.

He was being held at the Parklands Police Station.

According to club chairman Geoffrey Gangla who had an opportunity to visit the station, Omulokoli was an unfortunate victim of circumstances.

Tight-lipped officers

“I talked to Omulokoli for the few minutes we were allowed together and he gave his side of the story. We are glad the matter has come to an end,” said Gangla.

Gangla said the player had gone to Visa Oshwal Centre with friends after suspecting that an associate of his friend had been caught up in the Saturday Westgate attack.

Omulokoli then registered with the Red Cross as a volunteer to distribute food and water.

All went well until there was a shift-change.

The incoming volunteers noticed the player was not wearing a Red Cross volunteer identification uniform and informed police.

It was after some short interrogation at the scene that Omulokoli was taken in by the Anti-terrorism police and detained at Parklands station.

The officers manning the station had remained tight-lipped over the issue, saying they were only holding the player as the matter was being handled by ATPU.

Gangla described Paul as a soft spoken born-again Christian.