Nairobi News


Popular chipo mwitu vendor Bevalyne Kwamboka apologizes for supporting Ruto

By Winnie Mabel November 16th, 2023 2 min read

Popular street food seller Bevalyne Kwamboka had a long day on November 15, 2023, when she had to tuck tail and apologize to Kenyans for supporting President William Ruto ahead of the 2022 presidential elections.

She admitted she was a first-time voter who did not know what she was doing in August 2022.

“I take back my words, I was young dumb, first-time voter and probably broke* sorry very much,” said Ms Kwamboka as she shared a screenshot from 2022 in which she congratulated President Ruto for winning the election.

In several responses, she revealed she was addressing the nation from Bogichora, Nyamira County, and she sought to apologize ahead of the ongoing trolling of UDA bloggers and online influencers who have been expressing regret lately for supporting President Ruto.

She revealed she wanted to “tell on herself” before the trolls came at her, also seemingly agreeing with a tweep’s sentiment that she was now regretting because the money she received to push a hashtag in favor of William Ruto was now over.

Her followers reacted as sampled below:

“You don’t have to apologize to what you thought was right then You just transition to the new normal,” said Ongaro Conrad.

“You have a right to vote for whoever you believe has your best interests…. I voted Raila and just like you, I don’t know how it would have turned out… We learn as we go,” added Richard Carrie.

“Your apology can’t help us n’thing now. Some of “you” pushed “us” here. I hope and trust that your former/current customers(for chips mwitu) can still afford a plate of chips in your eatery(if by lucky, it still exists).
I also hope “Ulipanda mitiđŸ¤—,” said Osoro.

“I almost unfollowed you back then but decided to wait for this day. At least you learned,” said Tito Nyongesa.

“Understood… Most young people who haven’t followed much about the trend of Kenyans politics and governance may not have known much. You don’t need to apologize. We learn through mistakes,” added Onyoyo Vin.

“Lessons learnt is what is important. First lesson, listen to people who are older than you. They have seen what you have not seen,” added Japur Jaemo.

Ms Kwamboka rose to fame in 2020 after posting her street food-selling business on Twitter went viral. UDA politician Millicent Omanga rushed to her street food selling post, and supported her with some items but this turned into a scandal after Ms Kwamboka accused Ms Omanga of lying about what she donated to her business in support, and only went to see her business as part of her campaigns photo opportunity.

At the same time, Ms Kwamboka also became vocal in her support for Ruto and often shared some of his content on her page.

However, lately, many of Ruto’s online ardent supporters have been expressing regret due to the hardships they face in their lives. They cited the high cost of living and overburdening taxes as reasons why they no longer wanted to be associated with Kenya Kwanza.

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