Why ‘pregnant men’ took over city centre streets – PHOTOS
‘Pregnant men’ held a demonstration in the city centre in a symbolic gesture to push for men’s involvement on reproductive health and contraception.
The ‘Form Ni Gani Kenya’ group wants access to reproductive health to all Kenyans.
They also want Kenyan men to speak out on contraception, teenage sexual activity and management of unplanned pregnancies.
In a catchy campaign that attracted amused onlookers, the group’s male members stuffed their clothes in the stomach area to mimic pregnancy and handed out fliers with a digitally altered photo of a pregnant man to spread the family planning message.
“We are asking men, and especially those classified as youth, falling between the ages of 18 to 35, to speak out and take action on issues regarding their reproductive health rights, said Ms Amal Mohamed, a spokesperson of the group.
Ms Mohamed said Kenyans could no longer afford to hide from the fact that teenagers are engaging in sexual activity.
“Some of our teenagers are sexually active and it would be pointless for us to assume that such (activities) do not exist among them. What we need do for those that are pregnant is empower them with the right information and opportunities to continue their education,” said Ms Mohamed.
She clarified that the campaign was not an attempt to degrade youths’ morals by encouraging them to engage in sex.
“We still support the cultivation of morally upright values on our youth through education, religion and interaction with parents as a way to safeguard a civilised society, but insist on the implementation of the 2017 Health Act which makes the access to reproductive health services a right for every Kenyan,” she said.
Ms Mohamed said the group plans to create awareness among Kenyans through online conversations and street processions.
She said plans are afoot to present a petition to MPs.