Pumbavu, Mavi ya kuku, Hapanaa, What the hell? Kibaki’s controversial words
The late retired President Emilio Mwai Kibaki will be interred at his home in Nyeri on Saturday.
The fallen Head of State has left memories among Kenyans ranging from deep, insightful pearls of wisdom to witty rib cracking remarks.
Whether it was intentional or otherwise, Kenya’s third President who was not one to shy away from speaking out his mind, had a peculiar flair of making utterances that won him allies and foes in equal measure.
The most memorable ones include remarks that would often leave Kenyans in stiches.
Some of his popular hilarious phrases that left Kenyans wiping tears of laughter and which will be remembered for long include ‘pumbavu’, ‘mavi ya kuku’, ‘bure kabisa’, ‘ooooh yes’, ‘what the hell’’ hapanaa’ to mention but a few.
In 2010, the retired president was sensitizing Kenyans on the importance of family planning and wondered aloud how some people were never bothered to plan their lives.
“Sio lazima kila siku ya pili ya tatu eti lazima uproduce mtoto. What the hell? Hapana, hiyo ni kukosa adabu.” (You do not have to produce a baby after two or three days. That’s a lack of respect)
In another incident, Kibaki was addressing the media on a rainy day in 2005 when suddenly, he noticed that his guard was moving towards a different direction to seek shelter from the rain.
Unamused, Kibaki halted his speech saying “Hata gari yangu inatoroka yeye bure. Mwambie arudi nyuma, ni kumbafu kabisa.” (I can see my driver is running away. Tell him to come back, he is very stupid)
In the same year in 2005, cattle rustlers had evidently irked the former president and he could not resist no more to show his chagrin.
“Kweli una maana gani duniani, kama wewe ni mwizi wa ng’ombe, Kweli una maana gani? Huna maana wewe, ni binadamu ya mafi ya Kuku.” (Of what use are you in this world if you only steal cows. You are of no use just like chicken waste).
Sometime in 2005, Kibaki decided to share his piece of mind with some ‘difficult ‘parents who were still reluctant to take their children to school despite the newly launched free education program.
“Na kuna mwenyewe hapa ambaye ni mama au baba, ambaye anajivuna kutembea mbele ya watu, na hana aibu, mtu huyu ni bure kabisa, anahitaji kutwangwa makofi”. (There’s someone here parading himself as a parent and you cannot even buy uniform and books for you child. You are useless and should be slapped.)
A group of young hooligans attempted to ruffle Kibaki’s feathers during the 2007 General Election campaigns, the London School of Economics (LSE) graduate had a doze for them.
“Ukisha kula pombe, ukweli ni kwamba hakuna haja, hio wachaa, na mkule pombe mkiwa huko peke yenu”. (I believe you guys are drunk. There’s no need to come here and heckle. Please stop. Go drink alone and head home).
In 2009, the former president needed to set the record straight after rumors started flying around about his marriage.
“I want to make it very clear that I have only one dear wife, Lucy, who is here, and I do not have any other,” the president told the press on live television with the First Lady Lucy Kibaki standing stoically beside him.
In 2012, a group of outlawed separatists wanted Mombasa to dissociate itself from Kenya and Kibaki did not hesitate to face them bare knuckle.
“Ikiwa unataka fujo tokeaa, tunataka kukuonaa, hatuki kuogopa yeyote, yeyote hataki maendeleo mazuri, awe anataka kujenga Kenya yake, huyo tutafuata na yeye ataacha tu.” (Those who want to cause chaos please come and let’s see you. Stop hiding. We want to see you. There are some people who do want to build this country. We will look for them and they will abandon that thougt).