Red Cross appeals for supplies for Garissa victims’ kin
The Kenya Red Cross Society has made a desperate appeal for supplies to help families of the victims of Garissa University attack who are at Chiromo Mortuary to identify their kin.
In what best underlines the difference in response between Garissa and Westgate attacks, KRC has this time been forced to send an appeal for the supplies.
“#KOT (Kenyans on Twitter) Our stock of milk is running low this morning, we need your help to enable us to make more tea for the families at #Chiromo,” tweeted KRC.
“#KOT we need your support with milk, bread, water at #Chiromo.”
During the Westgate siege, financial contributions and supplies were purely self-driven.
Hot meals are missing so are the tens of tea makers who thronged Westgate surroundings during the siege in 2013.
Hundreds of friends and relatives of the 148 victims have converged at Chiromo Mortuary where all the 148 bodies are preserved.
Kenya Red Cross says counselling of families affected by attack would continue Tuesday at Chiromo and Kenyatta National Hospital.