REVEALED: The perfect number of lovers to have before marriage
The perfect number of past lovers before marriage has been revealed.
According to a recent British poll, 10 is the perfect number of lovers you should have for before popping the four magic words; Will you marry me?
According to the survey conducted on 1,000 respondents, if you have more than 10 lovers you are considered promiscuous. Those with less than 10 are deemed incompetent.
The poll, published on Thursday by the Daily Mirror newspaper, stated that “both men and women said 10 lovers was the right ‘Goldilocks’ answer. With 10 lovers – like the porridge in the children’s fairytale – you are neither too hot nor too cold.”
Dating site conducted the survey on 1,000 people dating online and asked how many lovers they wanted a new partner to have.
The most popular answer was given to be between eight and 12, as 38 per cent of women and 37 per cent of men who participated in the poll.
Within that group, ten lovers was considered best.
The second most popular answer was between four and eight and was chosen by 24 per cent of women and 28 per cent of men.
The third most popular answer was none to four chosen by 16 per cent of women and 18 per cent of men.
Men in particular are more wary of women who had a score higher than ten.
Nine per cent of men and 12 per cent of women chose 11-15 lovers, while 4 per cent of men and 7 per cent of women opted for 16-20 lovers.
Any figure above 20 was a big turn-off to men and women. Only 3 per cent of women and 4 per cent of men found it appropriate.
Those polled were also asked if they wanted to know how many lovers a new partner had had in their past.
Just 35 per cent of women wanted to know a man’s total against 65 per cent who would rather not find out.
For men, only 30 per cent wanted to know a woman’s sexual history against 70 per cent who said they would rather not find out.
The results give a fascinating insight into dating etiquette suggesting that men are less tolerant of promiscuity than woman. spokesman Christian Grant said, “The dating game is changing so quickly. I think we are all becoming a lot more tolerant and sexually adventurous. If we had conducted this poll 10 years ago, men would have expected a potential partner to have slept with far fewer people. But a gentlemen never asks a woman who many men she has slept with.”