Scare after 18-foot python escapes from museum unnoticed
There was a panic in Meru town after a python snake sneaked out of its sanctuary at the Meru National Museum on Tuesday night.
Kenya National Museum officials said they discovered Wednesday morning that the 18-foot African Rock python had slithered out the previous night.
Meru Museum curator Mr Cornelius Njeru said the snake was found in a kiosk a few meters from the museum and returned to the sanctuary.
Curious residents thronged the scene to witness the recapture of the reptile.
Mr Njeru assured the residents that the python was the only one that had escaped from the facility and they should not therefore panic.
“We have captured the snake which had sneaked out of the museum last night after little showers were experienced. We are telling the public not to panic because it was the only snake that had sneaked out but we found it safe inside a kiosk,’’ he told journalists at the museum.
He said animals sneaking out of museums is a normal phenomena.