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Self-proclaimed ‘Prophet Elijah’ wants to replace Prophet Owuor – VIDEO

By Titus Ominde December 5th, 2019 2 min read

Another self-proclaimed prophet is causing a stir with claims that God has directed him to replace “Prophet” David Owuor.

Stephen Thuranira, 39, who is based in Eldoret, wants Prophet Owuor to vacate the office in the Spirit of handshake to pave way for him as Elijah of the Bible.

Thuranira, who is the founder of Wake-up Ministry based in Huruma slum in the outskirts of Eldoret town, has insisted that it is time for prophet Owuor to quit and pave way for him as the prophet of the day called to deliver God’s message to Kenyans.

“I am now Elijah called by God to relieve prophet Owuor who has done a good job. Now I have come to have a handshake with prophet Owuor to release him to go to Israel and pave way for me to deliver the timely message to Kenyans,” said Thuranira.

Thuranira challenged Prophet Owuor not harden his heart but rather meet him and surrender the office to him so as to continue with the remaining work in the spirit of handshake.

He said that the Lord has spoken to him to deliver end time message to Kenyans by replacing Prophet Owuor after Kenyans failed to receive his message.


“I have this message to Kenyans, the floods that are wreaking havoc our land is what the Lord has sent me to address after they failed to listen to prophet Owuor. The church has fallen and now I have come here to clearly push out Prophet Owour and deliver this timely message to Kenyans,” said Thuranira

Thuranira also claims that God has directed Prophet Owuor to go to Israel where his ministry is required since he has already accomplished that which God wanted him to accomplish in Kenya.

His sentiments have not gone well with followers of Prophet Owuor who have termed his allegations as false and ungodly.

“God does not operate like this. This man seems to have a spiritual challenge. If God has sent him to replace our Might prophet, God himself ought to have communicated the same to Prophet Owuor,” said Eunice Kwambai a staunch follower of Prophet Owuor.

Dr David Owuor, who is reverently referred to as the Mighty Prophet of God by his followers, is the founder and leader of the Ministry of Repentance and Holiness.