Senior police officer arrested over the ‘disappearance’ of exhibit firearm
A senior police officer has been arrested following the disappearance of a firearm exhibit which was found in the hands of a suspected robbery suspect.
Mr Ezra Sambu, who is the OCS of Laare Police Station in Igembe North, Meru County is being held in custody on suspicion of hiding the pistol which was recovered from a suspect by the name Mr Dancun Murangi.
According to a police report, two police officers, while on patrol duty within Laare town, arrested the suspect from whom they recovered a pistol. The suspect was booked at the station (OB number 05/20/07/2022) as a suspect of robbery with violence by another officer under the instructions of the OCS.
However, the OCS did not mentioned the recovered firearm. When the junior officers found out what had happened they immediately informed the Deputy Sub County Commander who consulted his bosses.
“The County Commander Investigation Officer (CCIO) took over the case in which the OCS denied having received any firearm,” the report reads.
The officers conducted a search in Mr Sambu’s office and armoury but they did not find the firearm, a toy pistol and Sh220,100 were recovered from his house.
The OCS was subsequently arrested and placed in custody at Meru Police Station. He will be charged in court with conspiracy to defeat justice and compounding a felony.