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Shauri moyo chicken vendor battling robbery with violence charges

A chicken vendor who allegedly colluded with accomplices to abduct a businessman in Nairobi before robbing him of cash and dumping him in Limuru, Kiambu County has been charged with robbery with violence contrary to section 296 (2) of the penal code.

Nicodemus Mwalimu Ngali, a chicken vendor at the Burma market in Nairobi, was charged alongside his friend Meshack Mwangangi.

They are jointly charged with violently robbing Musee Mulwa of Sh128,500 while armed with swords on March 22, 2023.

They are accused of carrying out the robbery jointly with others who have not been arrested.

The court heard that Mr Musee was called by Mr Ngali who had been supplying him with chicken for a few months.

Mr Ngali wanted the complainant to buy 184 chickens from him.

Mr Ngali insisted that payment be made in cash instead of Mpesa which has been their usual way of payment because he had debts to pay with cash.

They agreed to meet at a stall in the area and Mr Musee proceeded to the venue with Sh106, 000 in cash.

He found Mr Ngali waiting for him and the accused person directed him to where he had parked the vehicle with the chicken.

On arrival, three men emerged from the car, grabbed Mr Musee and forced him into the vehicle before they sped off along Jongoo Road.

Mr Musee was robbed of the Sh106, 000 that he had in cash and the suspects transferred Sh22, 500 from his bank account to some mobile phone numbers including one belonging to Mr Ngali.

The suspects later abandoned him in Limuru in Kiambu County after the alleged robbery.

He later reported the matter at the Shaurimoyo police station after making his way to Nairobi.

The two suspects were traced and arrested after police investigations and Mr Musee identified them as among the thugs who robbed him.

The two denied the charges before Senior Resident Magistrate Mercy Malingu of the Makadara Law Courts.

They were released on a bond of Sh500, 000.

The case will be mentioned on May 23, 2023, before hearing starts on August 17 2023.

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