Sonko declares war on parking cartels
Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko has put parking ‘cartels’ in the county on notice.
Sonko explained that ‘parking boys’ have been asking for as little as Sh50 from motorists so as to allow them to park at reserved parking spaces within Nairobi’s Central Business District, before warning the motorists against paying the youth.
“Parking is Sh200 only. Just dial *235# and pay via your phone. Why pay a parking boy 100 bob then you end up paying clamping fee of Sh2500?” Sonko has said.
Nairobi’s CBD and its environs has been infiltrated by youth and security attendants who demand money from motorists to secure parking spots and watch over their vehicles.
Motorists who fail to comply are often harassment, denied parking space or in worst case scenarios, their cars get vandalized.
But now Sonko says he has put together a ‘patrol’ team to help motorists who get harassed.