Six ways to survive Nairobi’s cold weather
With the drop in Nairobi temperatures and frequent downpours, many Nairobians have resorted to staying indoors to keep warm.
Here are some tips that will ensure you still get things done despite the cold weather;
1. Dress the part
Wear heavy jackets that can insulate heat to keep your body warm throughout the day. Opt for closed shoes with fabric interior as opposed to fancy open shoes.
2. Choose your drink wisely
Some drinks are known to increase body temperatures, so instead of downing that soda or beer you may want to take some red wine or whisky and you will be amazed at how fast you will be transformed. For non-alcoholics stick to some hot chocolate or hot lemon and ginger.
3. Get moving
Instead of sulking up at the cold weather and curling up in bed, dress up warmly and take a walk. Sometimes seeing other people braving the cold will lift your spirits and you will not turn down any meeting in the name of being under the weather.
4. Snack up
Snacking on oats and nuts will fuel your body to be able to deal with the weather. Cold and hunger have never been a great combination so snack up in between meals and opt for soupy meals like rich beef stew that will keep you warm.
5. Music
Music lifts up everyone’s spirit any day. Start the day by pumping up some volume of your favourite music and possible even dance to it. As you get things done do not hesitate playing some music through your headphones.
6. Movies
In the evening, wind down with a mug of hot chocolate and a winter movie. Movies shot during winter tend to bright up a cold season giving lots of ideas on how to get yourself to enjoy the cold weather.