Despite being announced on short notice, the buzz leading up to the Nairobi edition of the (Johnnie) Walker Town concert overshadowed the...
Award-winning scriptwriter Abel Mutua has added a touch of humor to the recent separation of his best friends, Kate Actress and Phillip...
Award-winning actor and scriptwriter Abel Mutua shared a life-changing story from 2012 when he nearly lost his life due to overworking and...
In a conservative society where sex talk is considered taboo, Judy Nyawira has opened up about how she and her husband Abel Mutua found a...
Comedian Abel Mutua’s wife and manager, Judy Nyawira, says she never in her wildest dreams ever thought she would be his wife because she...
Judy Nyawira, the wife of renowned Kenyan actor and filmmaker Abel Mutua, has made a startling revelation about her pregnancy experience...
Outspoken Kenyan songstress Esther Akoth, popularly known as Akothee, has come to the defense of Instagram content creator Diana Marua...
Judy Nyawira, wife to comedian and scriptwriter Abel Mutua says she tries as much as possible to keep a distant relationship with her...
Renowned actor and filmmaker Abel Mutua has recently shared the secret behind his success, and it is none other than his wife, Judy...
Judy Nyawira has opened up on how her relationship with actor Abel Mutua started way back when they were both in college. In a candid...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...