Comedian Akuku Danger's recent musings about the tranquility of death have left Kenyans in contemplation, with varying perspectives...
Renowned actress Sandra Dacha has made an emotional plea to her fellow industry friends to rally behind their colleague, Akuku Danger, as...
Comedian Mannerson Ochieng aka Akuku Danger has shared some devastating news of his younger sister's untimely death due to sickle cell...
These men either have the highest number of wives and children or blasphem God or Jesus. Not only have they stood by what they believe in,...
Nigerian luxury hair entrepreneur has exposed Kenyan socialite Vera Sidika for wanting a Sh226,000 wig for free. According to screenshot...
Akuku Danger's girlfriend Sandra Dacha has reacted to a photo the comedian shared showing a woman and child who are rumoured to be his wife...
Comedian Akuku Danger has thanked Kenyans who chipped in to help settle a bill that had left him detained at a Nairobi hospital. The...
Comedian Akuku Danger has been detained in hospital again over unpaid medical bills. According to the comedian's girlfriend, the funny man,...
Comedian Akuku Danger has showered his girlfriend Sandra Dacha with birthday wishes as she turned 32. Akuku Danger, born Manason Ojowi,...
Comedian Mannerson Ochieng, popularly known as Akuku Danger, has been readmitted to hospital with breathing complications, days after he...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...