Jackie ‘Awinjah’ Vike is an actress and content creator who burst into the limelight as one of the main casts of the once-popular TV...
Comedienne Jackie Vikie alias Awinjah has downplayed any assumptions of joining politics. The reports are engineered after she was...
When Kenyan content creator and actress Awinja recently celebrated her 36th birthday, what got her followers on social media talking was...
The cast members of TV show Papa Shirandula are paying heartfelt tributes to their beloved co-star, Charles Bukeko, popularly known as...
Former Papa Shirandula actress Jacky Vike, popularly known as Awinja, has confirmed that her 'perfect wedding' that took place over the...
Comedian and content creator Jacky Vike popularly known as Awinja, has landed an ambassadorial role at the Ministry of Health. According...
Just days after the commission of the Nairobi Expressway, three Kenyan comedians have realised a comical song ridiculing efforts to...
Actress Jacky Vike, popularly known as Awinja, has managed to easily achieve what many of her colleagues struggle to in a short...
The cast of Citizen tv’s Papa Shirandula show paid a courtesy call on the home of the late acting colleague Charles Bukeko alias Papa...
Actress Jacky Vike has lifted the lid on how Kenyans trolled her on social media when she was expectant. The trolls, she said, included...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...