Known for his outspoken nature, Embakasi East lawmaker Paul Ongili Owino, affectionately known as Babu Owino, is a devoted family...
Victims of the gas explosion in the Mradi area, Embakasi East, have come out to demand genuine sympathy from leaders who are still visiting...
Embakasi East Member of Parliament (MP), Paul Ongili Owino, popularly known as Babu Owino, seems to be changing his stance on the Azimio la...
Embakasi East lawmaker Babu Owino has accused President William Ruto of neglecting the residents in his constituency who were recently...
Politics has seemingly taken centre stage following the recent gas explosion in Nairobi's Embakasi East constituency with politicians...
In a recent podcast session with Cultured Times on TikTok, Embakasi East Member of Parliament (MP) Babu Owino shared valuable insights on...
In recent months, a handful of people vanished off the streets of Kenya for certain periods. Later, claims would emerge that they were...
Embakasi East Member of Parliament (MP), Babu Owino, has received an Honorary Doctorate Degree (PhD Honoraris Causa) in Political...
In a bid to foster community unity and engage the youth in meaningful activities, Embakasi East Member of Parliament Babu Owino launched...
Embakasi East lawmaker Paul Ongili, popularly known as Babu Owino, has been nominated for a conferment of an Honorary Doctorate Degree by...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...