As the entertainment industry continues to undergo rapid transformations, artistes are increasingly realizing the significance of...
Sauti Sol's band member, Bien-Aimé Baraza, has refuted claims by Andrew Kibe that the boy band refused to meet the former radio presenter...
Sauti Sol's Bien has shed light on the individual contributions that each member brings to the music group. He has further attributed...
Sauti Sol has dispelled rumors surrounding their alleged breakup. Speculations arose after the group announced their decision to take...
Seems like Bien is bitter about something but he’s not willing to let his ego take a fall for it. In a recent post on Instagram, the...
Tanzanian superstar Diamond Platnumz and Sauti Sol's Bien have collaborated on a new song. In a recent interview with SPM Buzz, Bien...
Tanzanian artiste, Diamond Platnumz, has publicly praised Sauti Sol's Bien for his amazing vocal abilities and talent. In a...
Sauti Sol's Bien has re-ignited the beef between the band and Kaka Empire Chief Executive Kennedy Ombima, better known by his stage name...
Kenyan music fans are in for a treat as Bien of Sauti Sol, one of the country's most prominent musicians, has teamed up with London-based...
Sauti Sol's lead vocalist Bien-Aime Baraza received Sh14, 634 from the Music Copyright Society of Kenya (MCSK) royalties. The Inauma...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...