Comedians from the popular comedy show, Churchill Show, have announced a mega show in honor of their late colleague, Fred Odhiambo...
Comedian Eddie Butita has revisited his falling out with former radio presenter turned content creator Miss Mandi, who once mocked his...
Despite splitting, comedian Eddie Butita rates her ex-girlfriend Mamitto as the best female comedian in the country. "In my view Mamitto...
Kenyan Content creator, Eddie Butita, has broken his silence after being mentioned in rapper Khaligraph's latest song, Minimal...
Celebrated comedienne Eunice Wanjiru better known as Mammito has come out to clarify her current relationship status saying she is still...
Comedian Butita has once again refuted reports about his rumoured girlfriend and comedienne Mamitto being pregnant with his child. While...
Comedian Butita has reacted to reports that his rumoured girlfriend witty comedienne Mamitto is pregnant with his child. The rumours...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...