The cast members of TV show Papa Shirandula are paying heartfelt tributes to their beloved co-star, Charles Bukeko, popularly known as...
The cast of Citizen tv’s Papa Shirandula show paid a courtesy call on the home of the late acting colleague Charles Bukeko alias Papa...
Actress Jacky Vike has lifted the lid on how Kenyans trolled her on social media when she was expectant. The trolls, she said, included...
Actor Ken Gichoya, better known by the stage name Njoro in the popular TV series Papa Shirandula, has blamed fellow comedians for the...
The widow of TV star Charles Bukeko aka Papa Shirandula on Sunday shared her lifetime experience with her deceased husband. Appearing on...
It’s already one week since the popular TV star Charles Bukeko aka Papa Shirandula passed away. Papa Shirandula’s on-screen 'wife'...
Radio presenter Felix Odiwour has paid tribute to fallen comedian Charles Bukeko aka Papa Shirandula as the one who 'baptised' him with the...
The death of popular Kenyan actor Charles Bukeko alias Papa Shirandula death has not only touched his fans but many of his colleagues in...
Media personality and Royal Media Services news anchor Jeff Koinange has tested positive to Covid-19. Koinange made the announcement on...
The wife of actor Charles Bukeko, popularly known as Papa Shirandula, has accused the Karen Hospital of negligence. Beatrice Andega,...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...