Comedians from the popular comedy show, Churchill Show, have announced a mega show in honor of their late colleague, Fred Odhiambo...
Renowned comedian Chipukeezy has kicked up a storm with his recent claims about the authenticity of Kenyan celebrity relationships. In a...
Renowned socialite Vera Sidika has responded defiantly to comedian Chipukeezy's recent criticism of her lifestyle, particularly focusing on...
Kenyan comedian Chipukeezy has stirred the gossip pot, declaring that controversial media personality Andrew Kibe is a monster created by...
Popular comedian Chipukeezy has launched a scathing attack on his former employer, accusing the media outlet of engaging in character...
Comedian and TV host Chipukeezy has opened up about his connection with the late Starlet Wahu, the baby sister of controversial prophet...
Popular Kenyan entertainer DJ Shiti, also known as Steven Oduor, has voiced his disapproval of comedian Mtumishi, formerly of Churchill...
President William Ruto has lately acquired a taste for designer Kaunda suits of different shades, leaving no doubt in the minds of Kenyans...
Renowned comedian Vincent Mwasia, popularly known as Chipukeezy, recently weighed in on relationships, shedding light on why he chooses not...
After a three-year hiatus, Statehouse MC Vincent Mwasia alias, Chipukeezy, has found a new home for his comedy show. Dubbed "The...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...