The ongoing reorganisation of Nairobi Metropolitan Services (NMS) has left a number of senior City Hall officers in limbo over their fate...
The redeployment of more than 6,000 Nairobi County staff to Nairobi Metropolitan Services (NMS) has kicked off despite opposition from...
Nairobi County government has began a crackdown on businesses flouting the guidelines barring crowding in public places with those found...
Developers and property owners in Nairobi will no longer be required to physically present their development plans for stamping even after...
Nairobi county government is mulling the use of aerial fumigation to help in the fight against the fast spread of the deadly coronavirus in...
Two senior officials of Nairobi County government have gone into self-quarantine after returning from Dubai last week. The two are...
City Market will on Tuesday be closed for fumigation as Nairobi County steps up efforts in battling the spread of the deadly coronavirus as...
Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) is set to roll out a new revenue collection platform for use in Nairobi County revenue management. This is...
Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) has introduced new bank accounts to be used for revenue collection in Nairobi, in a move that is likely to...
Former Nairobi Finance Executive Pauline Kahiga could be in for more trouble as she is now facing jail for contempt of court. This comes...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...