Moderators involved in a dismissal case against Meta, Sama and Majorel staged a peaceful demonstration at Sama's offices in Sameer Park...
A confrontation between Tanzanian riot police officers and protesters turned into an interesting affair after the latter chose to ask for...
Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko has been irked by his Kisumu counterpart Anyang’ Nyong’o’s remarks that all NASA demonstrations will...
A planned demonstration by operators of matatus playing the Kayole-CDB route failed to kick off on Saturday morning. The operators...
The Ministry of Education has warned parents against mobilizing their children to participate in public demonstration saying that it is in...
A demonstration by members of the civil society to protest against corruption ended in chaos on Thursday as police used teargas to disperse...
Journalists in Kenya are on Thursday morning set to stage a peaceful march in Nairobi to protest against the increasing polarized working...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...