Director Trevor, formerly known for his collaborations with Mungai Eve, has embarked on a new journey with the rebranding of his platform...
Director Trevor has shed light on the reasons behind his breakup with content creator Eve Mungai, revealing a turbulent romantic history...
Content creator Mungai Eve and her ex-lover, Director Trevor, whose real name is Bonventure Monyancha Kebati, have recently spoken out...
Content creator Mungai Eve says she had found herself under pressure after her ex-boyfriend, Trevor, took control of their previous YouTube...
Content creator Mungai Eve has broken her silence, offering insights into her perspective on the highly publicized breakup with her former...
Fans have rallied behind the popular content creator and influencer Mungai Eve, eagerly encouraging her to launch a new YouTube channel. In...
Content creator Eve Mungai has been ousted from her own YouTube channels and Facebook account by her former partner, Director...
The public breakup between YouTube power couple Director Trevor and his long-term girlfriend Mungai Eve is the talk of the...
The fallout between Mungai Eve and Director Trevor, one of the most prominent YouTube duos in the digital content creation scene is making...
Trevor, the boyfriend of popular content creator Mungai Eve, has expressed his desire to adopt a child. The couple is the most popular...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...