Churchill show comedian, Professor Hamo has opened up about how poverty served as a powerful motivator, inspiring him to channel his...
TV personality and funnyman Dr Kingori has narrated his inspiring journey to success and fame. The brains behind NTV's The Wicked...
Renowned media personality Dr Kingori, host of the popular weekly show "The Wicked Edition" on NTV, recently captivated audiences with his...
Dr Kingori, the charismatic media personality and host of the hit show "The Wicked Edition" on NTV, has become a household name in...
Self-proclaimed president of comedy Africa Eric Omondi has expressed his opinion about marriage, saying that he has had an issue with it...
Comedian and TV host Dr. King’ori is on the receiving end from Kenyans following his post asking Kenyans to assist a woman who helped him...
Nominated Member of Parliament, Johnson Sakaja, wowed his fans with his lyrical prowess after being asked to freestyle on a rap challenge...
He is funny and his weekly show, The Wicked Edition on NTV, where he plays a cynical news anchor, has kept his growing audience...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...