The Kenyan film industry has been driven by talented actors, writers and producers who have for decades had to brave cold waters to produce...
The movie-like bickering between Kenya Film Commission Chairperson (KFC) and Kenya Film Classification Board (KFCB) has intensified over...
Top personalities in the Kenyan film industry are expected to attend the 3rd Riverwood Academy Awards on Saturday at the Kenya National...
A local film festival has come under fire for negotiating with broadcasters to air productions without consent. Machawood film festival,...
The long awaited sexual comedy Fundi-Mentals is set for release next month bringing a twist to the local film industry. The film that...
The first Riverwood Academy Awards were held in Alliance Francaise on Saturday where Janet Mbunga won the best actress in a television...
The exit of cinema companies from the local market and low turnout in theatres is a show of an industry needing to re-think its...
Africa Magic celebrated its 10th anniversary at a glamorous event at the Nairobi Serena Hotel. The event which attracted the who’s...
Kenya's film industry got a boost on Wednesday with the launch of a Sh300 million revolving fund that will offer loans to young...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...