The Zanzibar Arts, Census, Film, and Cultural Council (BASSFU) has taken decisive action against Wasafi's signee, Zuhura Othman...
In the bustling streets of Eastleigh, dreams of a better life in the United States ignite the hearts of Somali refugees. Their path to...
Kenya's much-anticipated crime film, Mtaa Yangu, is set to premiere at popular cinemas across the country. The thrilling movie, directed...
Shandra Apondi emerged as one of nine winners in the Mobile Film Festival Africa Awards held in Rabat in Morocco on June 8. Shandra was...
Andrew Kaggia’s English and Swahili language CGI superhero film TeraStorm is being considered for the Oscar. Kenya now becomes the first...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...