Teacher Wanjiku, the beloved veteran comedian known for her rib-cracking humor, has spilled the beans on her secret to eternal...
Kenyan Instagram influencer Lornzie Gatabaki, known for her cocky boldness and lifestyle posts, has made a grand comeback to the gym after...
Bien-Aime Baraza of the Sauti Sol has a piece of advice to women as far as wellness is concerned. The vocalist is urging women to not shy...
Praxides Mushira is a 32-year old police officer who is also a fitness enthusiast. Mushira, who is attached to the National Disaster...
Former US First Lady Michelle Obama has shared her workout playlist to encourage other fitness enthusiasts to keep their New Year's fitness...
Kenyan actor Nick Mutuma has been forced to clear the air after a photo of him flexing his biceps excited women online. Mutuma had...
Musician Akothee has been spending a lot of time in the gym lately, but that is not what is making her fans astonished. The mother of...
What comes to mind when you think about pole dancing? Strip clubs and erotic music? Although there is a stigma attached to pole dancing, it...
Physical activity has little role in tackling obesity — and instead public health messages should squarely focus on unhealthy eating,...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...