A robbery suspect who allegedly assaulted a police officer and forced his way out of a police vehicle while being escorted to prison has...
Police officers in Kahawa West, Nairobi County are investigating an incident where three men abducted a couple, directed them to a dark...
A Nairobi Court has cancelled the bail terms of former Kenya Sevens rugby player Alex Olaba. Olaba will now be remanded at the...
A man suspected of being a member of a five-man gang that violently robbed and gang-raped a woman inside her house has been charged in...
Police in Kasarani are holding a 25–year-old man who lured a 17-year-old girl into his house and drugged her before she was...
Two rugby players charged with gang raping a woman in 2018 have been released on a cash bail of Sh300,000 by a Milimani Law Court...
The Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) on Monday arrested four suspects in connection to a shocking incident were a woman was...
A love relationship that started on Facebook involving a 17-year-old girl has ended up as a defilement case after the minor was sexually...
A Nakuru Court has sentenced a man who was part of a gang that raped a 49-year-old woman and infected her with sexual transmitted disease-...
Two Kenyan Rugby players convicted of gang raping a female musician last year are expected to be sentenced today. The sentence was set...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...