James Muigai, better known as DJ Afro, the popular movie commentator, showcased his unique emceeing skills during the Jamhuri Celebrations...
Davis Hezron Mwabili, a Kenyan actor popularly known through his stage name as Inspector Mwala, has stirred laughter online after meeting...
Instagram influencer Amber Ray, born Faith Makau, addressed allegations that she is dating renowned Kenyan actor Davis Hezron Mwabili alias...
Popular comedian Inspekta Mwala, born Davis Mwabili, has exited Radio Citizen, thus ending a 13-year stint at the popular station. The...
The National Police service in partnership with National Police service commission on Friday launched a joint strategic plan. TV...
The family of a man who was killed by TV actor Davis Mwabili, popularly known as Inspekta Mwala, is incensed by the light sentence a...
Kenyans have been left livid after popular comedian Inspekta Mwala, born Davis Mwabili, was fined Sh30,000 or one year in jail for causing...
TV comedian Davies Mwabili, popularly known as Inspekta Mwala, will be arraigned in Mariakani, Kilifi County on Friday. Rabai...
Citizen Television actor Davies Mwabili, popularly known as Inspekta Mwala, has finally broken his silence on the tragic road accident he...
Television actor Davies Mwabili, popularly known as Inspekta Mwala, is yet again on the spot after he hit and killed a pedestrian in...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...