The highly anticipated Showmax Original docuseries 'Nilichoma' premiered its first episode, featuring the compelling story of Stephen...
Nairobi News recently had an exclusive one-on-one interview with renowned TV comedian Nathan Muya Kimani, popularly known as JB Masanduku,...
TV personality and funnyman Dr Kingori has narrated his inspiring journey to success and fame. The brains behind NTV's The Wicked...
Stand-up comedian JB Masanduku claims he has been prohibited from mentioning the name of his ex-wife Tina Kaggia in public forums and the...
Radio presenter Tina Kaggia has responded to ex-husband comedian JB Masanduku after he requested a round-table meeting with her to discuss...
Comedian JB Masanduku is desperate to see the children he sired with his former wife, Tina Kaggia. Masanduku (real name Nathan Kimani)...
Comedian JB Masanduku is expecting his third child with his new partner Jackie. The father of two broke the news on social media by...
Comedian JB Masanduku is reaching out to his estranged wife Tina Kaggia. Tina left her matrimonial home with the couple’s three...
Just weeks after radio presenter Tina Kaggia dropped the bombshell on the end of her marriage to comedian JB Masanduku, the man is...
Radio Presenter Tina Kagia left her matrimonial home early last year after breaking up with her husband comedian Nathan Kimani aka JB...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...