From his time in Kenya, where he briefly dabbled in politics, to Australia where he later relocated, Quincy Timberlake has always been...
Renowned preacher and musician Joseph Hellon, known for his association with the 'Finger of God' church, has opened up about the...
Saxophonist Joseph Hellon has announced his intent to vie for the presidency in Kenya come 2022. He made the announcement during an...
When Kenyans first heard of Joseph Hellon’s Finger of God Church in 2010, reactions were mixed. Some thought it was perverse, while...
Kenyan Jazz maestro Joseph Hellon has shared staggering details of how he had unsuccessfully warned former TV anchor Esther Arunga to keep...
Former TV presenter Esther Arunga’s husband told Australian immigration officials back in 2014 that he used to live in a cave in Kenya...
Controversial jazz artiste, Joseph Hellon, has come out in the open to absolve himself from blame over the dramatic turn of events in the...
The pastor at the heart of the scandal involving TV girl Esther Arunga opens up on how he has picked up the pieces of his life. [caption...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...