Catherine Kamau, popularly known as Kate Actress, recently shared the exciting news of her upcoming attendance at the White House...
Michael Mwangi, Tribe Hotel's General Manager, is stirring attention with his extravagant displays of affection towards Kate Actress in...
Tribe Hotel General Manager Michael Mwangi has been thrust into the limelight thanks to award-winning actress Catherine Kamau who is...
Popular award-winning actress Kate Kamau, formerly known as Catherine Kamau, has addressed criticism from a fan who accused her of rushing...
It has been a tough time for Kenyans these past few weeks with alarming cases of femicide on the rises. This being the case, many women...
Talented actor and film director Philip Karanja has taken a courageous step by encouraging men to be open about their mental health...
Renowned actor and film director Philip Karanja has disclosed that he recently sold the black BMW X3 he had gifted his wife, Catherine...
Popular actress Kate Actress, also known as Catherine Kamau, has taken to social media to proudly introduce her new man, Michael Mwangi,...
Former Tahidi High actor turned TV series maestro, Philip Karanja, recently discussed his aspirations for a lasting legacy in the film...
A few days ago, popular actress Catherine Kamau aka Kate actress made it clear there was little chance of reuniting with her ex-husband...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...