Kenyan comedians Professor Hamo, Teacher Wanjiku, YY Comedian and Jemutai are among a handful of top comedians who will perform in the...
Kenyan comedian Vincent Mwasia, popularly known in entertainment circles as Chipukeezy, has exciting news for his fans as he announces the...
Comedian Vincent Mwasya, famously known as Chipukeezy, is approaching a remarkable milestone; 10 years in the industry. To celebrate this...
Kenyan rib-cracking comedian MCA Tricky has come out to share little-known details about his plan to get married this year. While...
There is a special breed of Kenyans in the ‘kamati ya roho chafu’ (people with jealous hearts) category. This kamati (group/clique)...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...